Installing Ionicitude

OK :ok_hand: ! Now that you have successfully installed the cordova Wikitude plugin (right?), it’s time to install Ionicitude, in order to manipulate this freshly installed cordova plugin. To install ionicitude, you have several choices.

1a. With ionic add (recommanded)

Using any command ligne tool, go to your app’s root directory and type:

$> ionic add ionicitude


$> bower install --save ionicitude

After some download, Ionicitude will be installed on your project.

The files will be locate in www/lib/ionicitude.

You will then need to add the following line in your app’s index.html, after the calls to ionic.bundle.js and cordova.js :

<script src="lib/ionicitude/dist/ionicitude.min.js"></script>

Or, if you want the humanly readable version :

<script src="lib/ionicitude/dist/ionicitude.js"></script>

1b. Using npm install

For those of you who prefer to use npm install, you can use this to install the ionicitude plugin.

Install the package

This can be achieved using the following command:

$> npm install --save ionicitude

The plugin will then be available in your app’s node_modules folder, and the .js files are located on the dist subfolder.

Copy the file

But this is not enough! In order to use Ionicitude in your code, its file(s) must be in the www folder of your project (or any of the subfolder).

Ionic has a special folder for this kind of plugin and this is the www/lib folder.

You could do this by hand, but the NPM package of Ionicitude comes with a script that copies the necesseray files from the plugin and paste them in a new ionicitude folder right inside the www/lib folder. To execute this script, type the following command:

$> ./node_modules/.bin/install-ionicitude

[Optionnal] Update your package.json

If you only do the previous operations, you’ll have to do them again every time you update the Ionicitude package through a npm install. To spare you the trouble, you could update your poject’s package.json by adding a “postinstall” attribute to the “scripts” attribute, like this:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/install-ionicitude"

This way, each time you do a npm install in your project folder, npm will go and fetch the latest version of your package (specifically Ionicitude) and execute the Ionicitude script that copies the latest files at the right place of your project.

Insert the <script>

When the script is done (it should tell you so), you’ll finally need to insert the .js file in your app’s index.html, after the calls to ionic.bundle.js and cordova.js :

<script src="lib/ionicitude/dist/ionicitude.min.js"></script>

Or, if you want the humanly readable version :

<script src="lib/ionicitude/dist/ionicitude.js"></script>

1c. Manually

You can simply download the latest version of this project on your computer and place it wherever you like in your project. Then, locate either the ionicitude.min.js file or the ionicitude.js file, both being in the dist folder of the downloaded project, and copy them in your own project, wherever you like.

You will then need to include the file in your app’s index.html, after the calls to ionic.bundle.js and cordova.js :

<script src="path/to/the/file/ionicitude.min.js"></script>

Or, if you copied the humanly readable version :

<script src="path/to/the/file/ionicitude.js"></script>

Note: you’ll obviously need to replace path/to/the/file with the actual path to the file.

2. Registering the dependency

Whatever installing method you choose, you’ll finally have to register the module in your app’s dependencies:

// In app.js or wherever you created your app's module
angular.module('app', ['ionic', 'ionicitude-module', /* other dependencies */]);