Launching an AR World

What’s an AR World

The most simplistic AR World possible is just an HTML file (generally index.html), that loads up all the Wikitude logic. See this Gist for a blank minimal index.html file to use in your new AR Worlds.

More advanced AR Worlds contains an HTML file, one or several JS files (with your custom code or third party libraries), maybe some CSS, perhaps some image-tracking related files (specific to Wikitude, see their documentation for more information) or whatever file is useful for this particular AR World..

Expected files organization

In order to correctly launch your AR Worlds, Ionicitude expects three things:

  1. You have a folder named wikitude-worlds in your app’s www folder (optionnal, see below)
  2. Each of your AR World is contained in a single folder (named as you like) inside wikitude-worlds
  3. Each AR World folder contains at least an HTML file named index.html

If you want to use another name than wikitude-worlds for your AR Worlds’ root folder (point #1), you can do that by passing an object argument with at least a worldsRootFolder property when calling Ionicitude.init():

  worldsRootFolder: 'my-personal-ar-worlds-folder-with-a-much-better-name'

You must still follow rules #2 et #3. Otherwise, your world will not load correctly and you won’t know why, because Wikitude does not throw an error if you try to load a file that doesn’t exist

In the end, your files organization should look like this:

[your app root directory]/
        wikitude-worlds/ **Or whatever name you set**
                ... some other files or folders ...
                ... some other files or folders ...

Actually launching an AR World

To launch an AR, simply call the Ionicitude.launchAR(), and pass it the name of the folder containing the AR World’s files that you want to launch. Say you want to launch the world-foo AR World, you would call the method like that:


Please, see API Doc > launchAR() for the complete details about this method.

This will take the index.html file inside the world-foo folder, and launch an AR View with it.

launchAR() returns a promise, for you to react to any outcome:

  .then(function(success) {
    // What to do when the launch is successfull
  .catch(function(error) {
    // What to do when the launch has failed

:warning: Note that if you try to launch an AR World on a device that didn’t successfully passed the checkDevice() test, Ionicitude.launchAR() will throw an UnsupportedFeatureError.